India is 4th Most Corrupt Nation Across The World

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ONE in four people paid a bribe during the past year, according to the latest Global Corruption Barometer, which is published annually by Transparency International, an anti-corruption campaign group. 
 The Global Corruption Barometer is a survey that assesses general public attitudes toward, and experience of, corruption in dozens of countries around the world.  The 2010 Barometer captures the experiences and views of more than 91,500 people in 86 countries and territories, making it the only world-wide public opinion survey on corruption. 
The report focuses on the bribes paid by ordinary members of the public to at least one of nine different service providers, including customs, education, medical services and the judiciary, rather than the bribes paid to politicians or public officials that are the mainstay of most corruption scandals. The police were the most frequently bribed: 29% of those who came in contact with them paid something. People who run registries or dispense permits were the second-most bribed. Tax authorities received backhanders from 4% of their customers. Generally those who earn less were more likely to have to pay bribes. Among the countries surveyed, this kind of everyday corruption was most prevalent in Liberia. Britain was the cleanest.
The police are cited as being the most frequent recipient of bribes, according to those surveyed. About 30 per cent of those who had contact with the police reported having paid a bribe.

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